Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.
Project title Sort by plans | Template Sort by templates | Organisation | Owner | Download |
Co-creation of a supportive, inclusive resource for 10-15-year-olds to promote a balanced diet and positive body image | MRC Template | Loughborough University | Florence Sheen | (new window) Opens in new window |
How is the Convention for Biological Diversity attempting to govern digitalisation in the biological sciences for societal benefit? | ESRC Template | University of Manchester | adam mccarthy | (new window) Opens in new window |
How long can labor last? Person Centred care during labor to increase safety for women and newborn | Swedish Research Council Template | Karolinska Institutet | Mia Ahlberg | (new window) Opens in new window |
An international comparison study on the vulnerabilities of individuals with FASD to, and within criminal justice system encounters | DCC Template | University of Salford | David Junior Gilbert | (new window) Opens in new window |
Werk en Mantelzorg | 1 - VU DMP template 2021 (NWO & ZonMW certified) v1.4 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Marjolein Broese van Groenou | (new window) Opens in new window |
Predicting Children Running Away using Risk Factors | Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (NHCFT / NHS) | University of Nottingham | Jessica Eaves | (new window) Opens in new window |
The impact of ball pressure on cognition within current IFAB guidelines | DCC Template | University of Bradford | Daniel Walker | (new window) Opens in new window |
improving Reproducibility In SciencE (iRISE) | Horizon Europe Template | Other | Rachel Heyard | (new window) Opens in new window |
Mapping the Social Protection System(s) for Migrant Women experiencing Gender-Based Violence (GBV): EU multi-countries construction of data, actors and tools. | LU standard template for data management plans | Lund University | Claudia Di Matteo | (new window) Opens in new window |
(In)Validating User assumptions in Data Integration | TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) | Delft University of Technology | ZF Mouw | (new window) Opens in new window |