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Funding bodies increasingly require their grant-holders to produce a Data Management Plan (DMP), both during the bid preparation stage and after funding has been secured. DMPonline helps research teams respond to this requirement and any expectations that their institution or others may apply. DMPonline is a user-friendly, web-based tool designed to empower researchers in developing data management and sharing plans. It provides the latest funder templates and best practice guidelines, making it easy for users to create high-quality DMPs.
Researchers will find a wealth of custom guidance and example answers within the tool, providing them with the support and guidance they need to develop their DMP. The DCC, research funders, and many research organisations contribute to this resource. Users can also browse the growing list of public DMPs published by other tool users for inspiration.
DMPonline is not just a tool; it's a community. We are committed to inclusivity, offering our services for free to all researchers, regardless of their institution's subscription. Our team operates a responsive helpdesk service and actively engages with the user community, ensuring that all voices can shape the development roadmap.
Several templates within the tool represent the requirements of different funders and institutions. Users are asked three questions at the outset so we can determine the appropriate template to display (e.g., the ESRC template when applying for an ESRC grant). Guidance is provided to help you interpret and answer the questions. This guidance is provided by researcher funders, universities, and disciplinary communities. If you need assistance with customising the tool or if you are an end user requiring more guidance, please visit our Help page.
DMPonline can be customised by funders, institutions, and other interested stakeholders. The value of the subscription is that subscribers can better profile their services and gather intelligence to support user needs via the administrator interface access.
Over 60,000 people use DMPonline, and many research organisations and funders in the UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Australia, Switzerland, and Luxembourg support the service.
Subscribing organisations and funding partners can:
We offer various levels of service and grade subscription fees based on subscribing institutions' size and research intensity. National-level services such as DMPTuuli are also offered. We can also offer custom packages for bespoke needs.
We offer basic and enhanced subscriptions, one-year and three-year long subscriptions. We also offer custom features, please get in touch with us if you are interested in bespoke services at dmponline@dcc.ac.uk.
We are constantly improving the user interface and functionality of DMPonline. If you would like to contribute with feedback and suggestions, please contact us by emailing dmponline@dcc.ac.uk.